Being whimsical in the age of saviours

Is being remembered really that important, you ask,
and yet the very fact that you wrote it down for others to read
belies its premise—and how long has it been since I lost
my innocent eyes that knew no doubt
whether to pursue the preoccupied with iambic metres
scattered across the yesterdays of enlightened fools
diving barefoot into the grass of the night lea?

You once told me that the intrepid look straight
and master all the right words, unlike us, the fickle.
We are a peculiar breed, creatures of timid vocabulary
who prefer an accidental graze, an answer cut off halfway,
and a picture taken with a wink. And we hardly ever cry,
but when we do, it’s probably because we missed the rain,
as if it all came down to the umbrella stuck in the rack.


I only chop onions when I’m blue, and it’s not a rainy day
to go for a walk without an umbrella. I am a man, after all,
even if no one expects me to keep up appearances anymore.
And I suppose belief in constellations was a hallmark of youth
until one night we looked up at the northern sky and realised
that even the closest stars were light years apart—without fear.

Watching from the sidelines

Life always seemed to be outside the realm of our expertise,
and as unrepentant as one can be, we thrived on the idea
that any seemingly genuine feeling other than all the anguish
that one could muster would turn out to be nothing but a façade,
so instead we have been collecting stains since time immemorial
and, ever eager for a gaze into the abyss, continue to do so.
But what’s most bizarre is that we truly intend to celebrate
our forlorn retirement as if we were mere spectators
in this panopticon.

The game of colours

What are the odds of getting one double-yolk egg,
let alone a whole box? One in a thousand, I read,
and yet the latter happened to me just the other day.
You have to admit, I must be one lucky bastard
or an unlucky one, depending on the superstitions
we follow. Speaking of which, I have always wondered
why blue is considered better than red and white imposes
its supposed supremacy over black, brown, and yellow.
After all, in the game of colours, nothing lasts but the dire
shades of pale.

The shadows

The shadows outside my bedroom wear names other than mine,
but at least we still share the sentiment of having one.
Also, we all measure time, although I’m not particularly fond
of manipulating it, even if only twice a year.

The shadows outside my bedroom are keen on collecting proverbs,
as they look good pinned in a display box on the wall.
Well, as long as guests don’t mind the smell of naphthalene
and glossy reddish-brown stains on the pinning stage.

The shadows outside my bedroom preach kinship with the sun
yet practice fluttering around the glowing, coiled filament of tungsten
I come from. Sometimes I wonder if, behind closed curtains,
they simply cease to exist.


Nothing is real but reality in a watercolour
fog washed with the secretions of the graveyard
shift, like the yawner’s mention of a scarlet dawn.
Is it the fool moon mocking the street lamps
with reflected light that holds terror for one,
or is it the crunch of pebbles with each tired step?
And while the outline of meals has long lost its meaning,
they are still necessary to keep up appearances.
After all, any of them could be supper.

Node.js app with Nunjucks (Part 5)

So far, we have built the basic Node.js app, configured Nunjucks, learned about template inheritance, and Nunjucks tags for basic operations like creating and modifying variables, conditional statements, and loops. This time, we will learn how to create macros to avoid code repetition.

Creating a macro

Macros in Nunjucks are like functions in a programming language. To create one, you need the macro tag, which has the name of the macro and its parameters if required, and the closing tag endmacro. The logic goes between the two tags. Here is an example of a simple macro that provides a greeting text depending on the day of the week.

The parameters to the macro can have default values to use if the values are not provided in the macro call (for more details, see the documentation). An example of that in the following macro is the value for the target attribute of the html anchor tag.

At this point in the tutorial, you should be able to understand the above code, though some parts require explanation. First is the following line:

It uses a replace filter. Filters, as explained in the Nunjucks documentation, are functions that can be applied to variables, are called with a pipe operator, and can take arguments. In this case, it replaces the route parameters with the provided values.

Another line that requires some explanation is

It uses one of the few special variables that are provided with the for loop: loop.first, which is a boolean indicating the first iteration.

Using a macro

To use a macro, you have to import it into a template.

Then you can use it for variable assignment

or directly in a block of code.

Happy coding!

A rude awakening

In the river of yellow umbrellas,
the rain swims with frantic crawls,
as if plotting wet shoulders were barely enough.
But even if the sky forgives the reflection
and the wind forgets the manner,
once they learn that forever has a pretty short shelf life,
they will realise all that’s left is to count
the grains of sand stolen from an hourglass
and be cautious.

Node.js app with Nunjucks (Part 4)

So far, we have built the basic Node.js app, configured Nunjucks, and learned about template inheritance. Now we can start creating additional parts of the page template in their own files and learn more Nunjucks tags while creating their content.


First, create three additional templates in the partials directory: header.njk, navbar.njk, and footer.njk, and include them in the index.njk.

We also need to style our content, so for that, create a directory called public in the project root directory and inside it a styles subdirectory with a style.css file in it. Then add a link to that file in the head.njk,

modify the build script in package.json to copy the public directory,

and add the relevant entry in index.ts to serve static files.

Basic operations

Let’s start learning the basic operations that you are guaranteed to use on a daily basis.

Creating and modifying variables

To create or modify a variable in Nunjucks, you have to use the set tag. Let’s say that you wish the text in <title> to be a concatenation of two texts: one provided as a global variable and another being the particular page header. For that, provide the global variable in the index.ts as follows.

Then in the head.njk above the <head> tag sets the titleText variable that was previously provided by the indexController,

and, of course, you have to remove the relevant entry from that controller, so now it will only provide the headerText.

If you are in a situation where you have to capture a whole block of content into a variable, there is an alternative syntax that uses the closing tag {% endset %}, like in this code that we add to the header.njk

Since by default Nunjucks will escape all output, if not configured differently, the above code would render the headerLink into a string instead of an actual hyperlink, so to avoid that, you have to mark it as safe. Remember also to update the indexController that provides the data for the Nunjucks template.

Conditional statements

The if statement in Nunjucks behaves exactly as if in JavaScript, but unlike in the latter, it requires a closing endif tag. Also, the else if statement has the form elif or elseif, which is simply an alias of elif. Here is an example of how to use it: In home.njk it takes a weekday variable provided by the indexController and sets a greeting text based on a particular condition. The result is used in a paragraph in the mainContent block.

Similar to the ternary operator, you can use if as if it were an inline expression.

For loop

The for loop iterates over arrays and dictionaries, and just like the if statement, it requires a closing tag. If you wish to iterate over an array, the syntax is “for item in array,” and in the case of a dictionary, it is “for key, value in dictionary.” Let’s look at an example. We will create a simple navbar. The text and href of each element will come in a dictionary created in the indexController.

Then in navbar.njk, we create a <nav> element with a list inside, which is populated using the for loop and the menu dictionary.

Add styles to your liking and you’re done. Happy coding!